"Manx" has some thoughts about 60 Minutes.
Sixty Minutes (SM) is a worn out liberal tabloid hell-bent on keeping itself contemporary not through current events but rather through promoting self-loathing, disdain for big business, white guilt and whatever else might appeal to followers of “New York Times,” “Mother Jones,” NPR, PBS news and the like.
When’s the last time a matronly woman in a cotton print dress from JC Penney presented a story? A story something like a farmer in Nebraska who teaches kids how to plow fields and plant seeds. Don’t recall? Neither do I. Instead SM promotes staffers like the one in a too-short leather skirt who should be hiding rather than flaunting those boney knees. Someone who repeatedly presents similar stories on the line of inner city “youth” playing Bach or Vivaldi on Stradivarius violins donated by something similar to a Soros offshoot foundation.
Then there are the exposes such as those of people who travel the world to places in defiance of State Department restrictions or warnings, get in a jam in some third world cesspool, then are indignant they weren’t rescued by Uncle Sam.
Evil pharmaceutical companies? Count on SM to pull out those tearjerkers on a slow news night.
Now SM is jumping on a bandwagon that is only going to gain momentum as this country approaches the end of the Obama debacle. An end where Obama will make Janet Reno, her then henchman Eric Holder and their majordomo Bill Clinton look like pikers with their get out of jail free cards also known as presidential pardons. And one pardon in particular. A pardon that fans of Che Guevara and Mao have been pushing for. A burning desire for a posthumous presidential pardon for Ethel Rosenberg. Yes, Ethel Rosenberg, the conspirator in that treasonous cabal to aid Stalin with our national secrets.
Rosenberg has now become a cause célèbre for history revisionists. Those revisionist folks who hate history, tradition, values and just about anything that has been accepted as the norm by the majority. And how does SM fit in? It’s now being reported a “forthcoming segment of ‘60 Minutes’ that will endeavor to show Ethel received an unfair trial and never should have been executed.”
So expect a SM segment with someone like Charlie Rose at his hangdog best giving a heart-rending performance in a massive attempt to solicit pity and thereby support and virtually a demand that Obama pardon someone who didn’t give a damn about her fellow citizens.
By the way, I never liked Andy Rooney either – a liberals’ lib disguised as a grandfatherly curmudgeon.
Is 60 Minutes a liberally biased, left wing propaganda machine?
Is the Pope Catholic? Is Hillary a liar? Is Bill a philanderer? Are both of them morally bankrupt, spreading corruption everywhere?
Of course we have our own propagandists, but they generally use facts to support their positions. To liberal leftists facts are irrelevant. They follow a policy of repeating a lie until it is perceived by voters as a fact. Unfortunately, the democrats have refined that policy to the point where it works more often than not.That's because voters today, more often than not, don't have a clear grasp of the obvious.
Posted by: Rook | December 01, 2015 at 01:02 AM