"Rook" has some thought on why Europeans hate Trump.
Why do the Europeans hate Trump?
Enough Americans voted for Trump to get him elected POTUS, based primarily on his disdain for political correctness. That disdain for PC is what the Europeans despise, and what the Islamists hate.
With Brexit, Britain has seen the light. But they've already let in so many Muslims that it will be difficult to hold onto their national identity. The rest of Europe is firmly in the grasp of the socialists, who despise everything Capitalist or American. Historical nations of great strength are whimpering under the onslaught of Muslim "refugees". The Europeans think they're being charitable, but the Muslims think the Europeans are either very stupid, or they have a death wish. For Muslims it's still the crusades of a thousand years ago. They're bent on conquering Europe and using it as a base for attacking America and dominating the rest of the world.
Their new world order is Islamic Jihad and they are prosecuting a holy war of attrition. The willful blindness of the West is maintained by political correctness carefully crafted over the years by the left in the universities of Europe and America. Our students are their tools, protesting in the streets at every opportunity and imposing hate on anyone and everyone who disagrees with their world view. Let in the soldiers of Islam and give them free reign. Feed them, clothe them, house them and protect them from the defenders of nationalism and, indeed, nations.
Did you notice how hundreds of lawyers showed up at airports across the nation the same day the 90 day ban on refugees was implemented?
Did you notice how hundreds of thousands of Muslim protesters magically appeared all over the country carrying antigovernment signs? And that many of those signs were professionally made? That even gave pause to the DHS!
What if they had been armed? Think about it!
We are in an existential fight for our Republic. And it appears that many of our fellow citizens prefer the soft life of a lamb being prepared for slaughter, turning a blind eye to the evidence all around them either out of fear or ignorance. Ignorance truly is bliss!
Your last paragraph pretty well sums up today's "under 40" Americans. How many millennials would actually take up arms and fight to defend the US from hostile invading forces? I don't know. How many Midwestern and southern young white men are there?
Posted by: Ernie | February 06, 2017 at 06:36 AM
The acceptance of the Islamic invasion of EU, Canada and the US is beyond belief. Millennials are now as large a group as Boomers which does not bode well for our future. Is this younger group brainwashed by Marxist educators/entertainers/newscasters, or are they so dumbed down that they can't see what Islam has been actively doing for the past 1400 years? How can they justify an Islamic takeover at the expense of democracy? Don't they know that an Islamic power base in this country spells death to them and all others who would dare to protest their authority?
Posted by: Bogey | February 07, 2017 at 08:10 AM