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January 28, 2018


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African-Americans are so far removed from the reality of Africa that we should not refer to ourselves as African- Americans. The color of our skin has very little to do with African reality. We are many generations beyond that reality. It is difficult to find a black in America who has a pure bloodline back to Africa, so Africa is even less relevant to the majority of us. There is no reason to refer to ourselves as African-Americans just as there is no excuse for us to act like Africans, living in filth or stealing from each other or killing each other. No excuse! And all you wannabe killers in the big cities, like Chicago, need to wise up. You can do much better with a pen and paper than you can with a gun, if you just buckle down and learn to write and cypher. Be glad you're in America instead of Africa.


Bore witness to one of these places last night. Women jumping around grabbing their privates. Men screeching about abusing women. And it was right here in the U.S. of A. The Grammy Awards at Madison Square Garden – New-York-City. A shitehole for the senses if there ever was one.


Oh but of course we need cultures like these brought to America cause it's just not right that we should have a more humane, sanitary, productive, civilized culture than those 3rd world countries have, and have had without any change for 3,000 yrs. If we want to try and elevate their prehistoric lifestyle, then ok, but do it in their country not ours.

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