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March 19, 2020


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That is why when liberal kooks like Obama get elected the sales of guns and ammo skyrockets. Look who we have in Congress right now: Ilhan Omar, a "death to America" muslim; Alexandria Ocrazyo Cortez, who holds Castro in high esteem; Rashida Tlaib, another radical leftist muslim. What are voters thinking putting people like these in charge? Guns and ammo surge in the face of a plummeting stock market. Sound the bugle, the war is already here.


How do we go back and properly educate and Americanize the last 2 generations? How do we say to Islam, “Not in my house?”!! How do eliminate the increasing number of antiAmerican hate groups? How do we find a way to instill morality, ambition, gratitude, imagination, a desire/need to live an inspired life into the minds of socialist brainwashed youth, parents, educators? I’m afraid we don’t until we’re faced with destruction.


This corona virus attacks the lungs in a novel and terrifying way, like a weaponized virus. It's no coincidence that China's Military Biochemical Research Center is located at Wuhan. Could this be a clandestine "first strike" by China to gain world dominance? One and a half billion people is a big edge already. As the rest of the world grapples with the contagion, China announces NO NEW INFECTIONS at Wuhan. Could the Chinese military have already prepared a defense against their own viral weapon? Will they gain dominance in world economics by withholding medications from us?

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