"Peter" has some thoughts on the viral panic.
There’s nothing like stress to reveal basic human nature. And in this artificially contrived and feverishly promoted virus crisis, the awful sad truths burst forth like the evil spirits in Night on Bald Mountain.
Most people are proving themselves to be just plain ignorant and stupid. They stand for nothing and fall for anything. Instead of thinking, remaining calm, they panic.
And some people, unfortunately too many in powerful positions, are just plain evil. They will tell any lie, misrepresent and misinterpret any fact, distort any truth, to serve narrow-minded partisan political purposes, knowing full well that most people don’t have the resources, motivation and patience to dig down to the truth. Don’t even mention that the seasonal flu kills tens of thousands every year. But oh my god, the Wuhan virus killed a few tens of high risk victims! It’s time to freak out. And definitely don’t mention, except by derision and ridicule, that by foresight or fortuitous coincidence we have a number of drugs that can actually kill this virus. All that stands in the way is regulatory bureaucracy and insufficient manufacturing capacity.
These evil people in the deep state declared war on Trump as soon as he was a candidate, doubled down when he became the nominee, and doubled down again when he became President.
But when all their efforts had backfired, they declared war on the country itself. They are willing to destroy the economy, destroy the country, just so they can regain power.
It doesn’t matter where why and how the Wuhan virus broke out. What matters is that it opened the second front, by immediately becoming the excuse to disrupt the supply chain of practically every product of any importance in the American economy. It provided cover to the third front of the war, the still unrelenting attack on the stock market by short-sellers. The stock market is crashing! Blame the virus. The epidemic is spreading! Blame Trump. Still, the stock market is such that when someone wants to sell, someone has to buy; so who’s selling, who’s buying? They don’t tell us. And the virus provided cover for the fourth front in the war, the destruction of the economy itself, by relentless fear- and panic-mongering in the media, and, just to make sure that maximum if not total damage will be inflicted, by issuing the “non-essential” business closure / shelter in place / lock-down orders, state by state, county by county, city by city — drip drip drip — to whip up the panic into a frenzy, to cement it into a permanent depression. Look at all the empty shelves! Look at all the shortages! Look, mass layoffs coming! Twenty percent unemployment is coming! Blame Trump. But just forget to note that the fascist power grab is happening in states and cities run by Democrats.
In the meantime, the older fifth front is opening up wider. The Chinese are threatening to cut off critical pharmaceuticals destined for the US market. They are moving to monopolize critical raw materials and creating vassal states by extending “Belt And Road” to key parts of the world. Their military is expanding rapidly, both in quantity and quality, while they promise and predict with fervent rhetoric that they’ll surpass us in every field in just a few years.
We are already at war, folks, on five simultaneous fronts, four of them variations on the unrelenting efforts of the NeverTrumpers. Were the 2010s like the 1930s? Close, with eight years of our own Neville Chamberlains. Is 2020 a replay of 1938? No, it’s 1939, before the actual blitz. We’re just too busy cursing the hoarders and gazing at empty store shelves, and our elites are still too busy hating on Trump, to know it yet. Or maybe that’s precisely what they want to maneuver us into. But when the shooting starts, it won’t be anything like WW2; the shortages, the pestilence, the famine will be real and permanent, and the victims will pile up or be vaporized by the hundreds of millions.
Johns Hopkins
flu kills... more
What’s in a denominator
Old drug, new cure, a.k.a. off-label use
More directly relevant
Everybody lies but the truth leaks out anyway. Cure proven in 2005
Oh, Rush just lies
Until somebody proves him right, again
What’s a gun ban got to do with the virus?
Crazy theories? Maybe not.
Politics trumps everything.... everything.... everything
Or maybe someone finally has the guts to push back? We can only hope.
This corona virus attacks the lungs in a novel and terrifying way, like a weaponized virus. It's no coincidence that China's Military Biochemical Research Center is located at Wuhan. Could this be a clandestine "first strike" by China to gain world dominance? One and a half billion people is a big edge already. As the rest of the world grapples with the contagion, China announces NO NEW INFECTIONS at Wuhan. Could the Chinese military have already prepared a defense against their own viral weapon? Will they gain dominance in world economics by withholding medications from us?
Posted by: Ruwanna | March 22, 2020 at 08:17 PM
It's perfectly obvious that the Chinese military developed the Covid-19 (our name for it) specifically to disrupt world economies. They may have had an accident and let it out prematurely, but that may weigh in our favor. We must now plan an appropriate retribution. We probably should implement it clandestinely, but it'll get done if Trump is in charge. I predict that the economy of China is going to take a BIG hit.
Posted by: Gunny | March 23, 2020 at 12:00 AM
Just a few weeks ago when the Chinese virus first appeared in Italy media touted “Not to worry. Italy is the second best health system in the world and thanks to their superior socialized medical system will be the leader in dealing with it” or something like that. Well it looks like Italy’s medical system turned out to be a Fiat. Yes, that loveable car which is an acronym for Fix It Again Tony. And today word is coming out of that Fiat medical system lacking ventilators is telling patients aged sixty and older “No ventilator for you”. Ah, words that bring socialist health care proponents to the highest state of euphoria. Better than a hit of amyl nitrite. Just ask Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel.
Forsyth, le Carré, Chrichton and Erdman combined could not come up with a better, or more diabolical, plot. However thanks to the majority of worldwide media no book is necessary. Horror stories abound and spread at the speed of light. Besides, who would be able to run the printing press and distribute any book? And if it’s not “Breaking NEWS!” or a TV sitcom there’s no audience for the masses of TP and Mountain Dew hoarders. Anyone else see the video of that cute couple stocking up on Mountain Dew? But I digress…..
It is not, I repeat NOT, some crazy right-wing gun grabbing and Bible carrying form of hysteria to consider a plot to use pestilence as a weapon and conquer by doing so. It’s nothing new. Victor Davis Hanson, as he so often does, recently called upon historical fact to compare to a current event. His March 5 “The World’s Reaction to the Wuhan Coronavirus” is not screed from a sensationalist:
The Deep State is deeper than anyone ever imagined. And it’s not just a state – it’s as global as Coca-Cola.
Posted by: Manx | March 23, 2020 at 03:16 PM