"Peter" has some thoughts about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today. May she rest in peace.. For the rest of us, all of a sudden, the culture wars just got distilled down to one decisive battle. This is Gettysburg, Normandie, Midway. The outcome now as before cannot be any different, if the nation is to survive.
RBG was not a judge, bound by the Constitution, the law, the evidence or precedent. She was a political activist, and therefore the stakes are unimaginably huge. Every social issue, every philosophical issue is at grave risk. Every social issue, every philosophical issue, every political issue that both sides, liberal and conservative, most deeply care about, is at risk.
As you’d expect the outcome tonight is very much in doubt. Three or four “Republican” senators we already know cannot be counted on to vote before Election Day, let alone vote to confirm anyone nominated by a Trump. We know that a RINO such as Romney would take great pleasure in sticking it to Trump, and have the gall to do so in the name of fairness.
For awhile, there was doubt whether McConnell will have the nerve to schedule hearings and a vote. According to Fox News just now, he released the statement that “President Trump’s nominee WILL receive a vote on the floor of the Senate.” We’ll see what that means. The senators may be doing the public posturing, but it is We The People who are at risk in this war.
We may just be the grunts, but each of us must do all we can to make sure that we win this fight in the Senate and the other big fight on Election Day. And trust that once again, as in all the previous crucial times, we are protected by Providence, not victims of that Chinese curse, “may you live in interesting times.” We sure are, but one Chinese curse a year is plenty enough.
Love her or hate her, the recent RBG history proves that “lifetime appointments” should be ended. In recent years she became nothing more than a Democrat vote. Does anyone believe the Dems will leave Sleepy Joe in the Oval Office when they have a far left Kamalala ready to take his place? Never happen. He’ll be gone so quick he won’t even know what happened.
Posted by: Bogey | September 20, 2020 at 08:01 AM
If Biden were to win, he says he'd nominate Michelle Obama to fill RBG's seat on the SCOTUS. All the more reason that Trump MUST win. Obama is a less than mediocre lawyer with a below average intellect. It would be a farce to name her to the SCOTUS.
Posted by: Ruwanna | September 20, 2020 at 03:25 PM
I wonder if the Democrats would so the same thing as the Republicans if the shoe were on the other foot. Hell yes!
Posted by: Leo | September 20, 2020 at 07:55 PM
Does anyone see the irony of RBG leaving a message to her family, saying Trump should abrogate his Constitutional responsibility and not appoint a replacement during his term?
Posted by: Franklin | September 21, 2020 at 10:40 PM
Leo; the short answer is yes; the long answer is hell yes!
Posted by: Legion | September 22, 2020 at 02:09 PM
RBG never said that. Another radical left LIE. These "people" truly have no shame.
Posted by: Ruwanna | September 22, 2020 at 06:39 PM