"Ernie" has some thoughts about our schools.
While standing in line yesterday to vote, several candidates mingled, handing out pamphlets and answered questions. Two men running for local school board came up and started conversing with a couple of us. I asked them if they believed in requiring schools to go back to teaching American History. One answered that school curricula was determined by local, state and federal governmental agencies, not by the school board. I answered that today’s kids were graduating from high school and college with little understanding of how our form of government was established, nor when, nor by whom. The first remark you get from millennials is that our founders were all slave owners, racists and white supremists; certainly not hero’s. They learned this in school.
What about patriotism? Any chance we could ever get back to instilling that in our kids? Schools are graduating young people today who refuse to stand for the national Anthem or the flag. Shouldn't we tell them about all the young men and women (mostly white) who lost arms, legs and lives in two world wars fighting to preserve this country (and them) from Nazism, Fascism, Japanese imperialism and communism (politely called socialism today).
Why have Teachers Unions? All they want
As it were, I didn’t get many answers, but at least I got to vent my concerns.
Schools won't be healed until they are returned to true local control. It is beyond stupidity for conservatives to pay thousands of dollars a year to have their children brainwashed with liberal propaganda instead of being taught history, math and science. The wealthiest country on Earth has one of the lowest ratings on education. Teachers should be hired and fired by local boards of parents. They should also be told what not to teach our children. No unions, just perform or else. We need to catch up with the rest of the world and it can't be done from D.C. It can only be done from home.
Posted by: Ruwanna | October 24, 2020 at 11:07 PM
“The debased and unscrupulous mind, though adorned with scholarly attainment, will degrade the characters it should inform and elevate.” (M.B.Eddy)
Posted by: Legion | October 25, 2020 at 09:15 AM
It's clear to me that the establishment of the Department of Education was a huge mistake. It needs to be under local control with testing to make sure students can read and write.
Posted by: Franklin | October 29, 2020 at 11:52 PM