"Peter" has some thoughts about the election.
Its been said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results.
In Georgia, they had the same voting machines and voting procedures as in the battleground states that were rampant with ballot rigging and stuffing, including the huge load of mail-in ballots that gave the democrats a huge lead right from the start. So, if you expected different results you're obviously insane.
The Marxist led democrats have turned election fraud into a fine art. With a complicit Marxist led media, they appear to be unstoppable. They are certainly not stoppable by the faint-hearted GOP leaders that are more concerned about their own futures than justice or integrity. Now our children's children will never know true freedom. They may never even hear about it, since history books of the future will be written by ideologues and approved by the State before being allowed in the classroom.
Should we fight, or become passive lap dogs for our Marxist masters? Should we vastly expand home schooling, or allow our children to become ignorant ideologues themselves? Which way would they be happier, as free people or as another cog in the wheel of a thoroughly controlled socialist society?
We must fight this evil in every way, at every turn. The future depends on us for no less than a full measure of courage and resistance. It is our duty to defend liberty and the U.S. Constitution. It is our honor to be Patriots.
Regardless of a rigged election or vote fraud, Trump tragically committed political suicide yesterday.
Posted by: Gunny | January 07, 2021 at 11:40 AM
“Boss” Tweed was a pantywaist compared to today’s political movers and shakers aka manipulators. Tweed’s Tammany Hall has franchised out expanding globally.
Posted by: Manx | January 07, 2021 at 12:42 PM
I think Trump was (a) trying to fire up the faint hearted Rep lawmakers (specially Pence). And (B) to encourage his base. People like Lindsey Graham and Pence showed the true face of today’s Rep Party: toothless do-nothings who don’t think integrity is worth fighting for. I no longer claim to belong to such a passive club of empty suits.
Posted by: Ernie | January 08, 2021 at 06:21 PM
I'm wondering how many Antifa were in that mob, and if so will we ever know it.
Looking at the bright side, Trump did accomplish some positives. One, Trump made a lot of people realize there is election fraud. Two, Trump made a lot of people have a healthy skepticism of the press. Three, Trump alerted many to the dangers of the Deep State. Four, the crazy takeover of the Capitol should give the democrats a clue that there is another force out there to reckoned with. (This remains to be seen.)
Posted by: Leo | January 08, 2021 at 08:59 PM