"Manx" has some thoughts about the vaccine.
Let’s compare notes. First and foremost – I’m not sitting around convinced I’m going to end up as worm food if I don’t immediately get a COVID vaccination. Have to admit that I thought “Machiavelli has been put in charge of the guinea pig farm” when we heard powers to be were going to vaccinate prisoners first and put certain suppressed folk at the front of lines. Better thee than me ‘till there’s more information re. efficacy vs. adverse side effects.
So now we constantly hear about distribution and lack of vaccine. Until just recently the usual suspects were still trying to pin those problems on the former president. Not a lot of news but national distribution has actually gone quite well with people like Fred Smith of FedEx and powers to be at UPS stepping up to help DOD with national distribution.
So the vaccine has been distributed as fast as Pfizer and Moderna can produce it. Distributed to the States for onward distribution and eventual injection. Using the state of Washington as a measure of what’s going on a few observations have been made. Washington was blaming Trump for lack of vaccine. Uncle Sam put upwards of 900,000 doses in Washington’s hands. Ironically a local newsreader was blasting the former administration the other day while citing only 300,000 of the 900,000 available doses state-wide have been injected. But help is on the way. Legislators cloistered in their concertina wire reinforced state capitol building have come up with the answer. Simple. More money. Allot an additional $2.19 BILLION to COVID. Pretty simple formula – More $$$$ = more shots. There, it’s done. Next crisis please.
Have to wonder how our nation was able to so quickly and efficiently to get kids like me injected with the Salk vaccine. And to think we didn’t have the luxury of a website back then to find where and when to get a shot. Heck, I went to the directed starting point – the state site. Clicked where told and was taken to the county site. County site directed me to click on local city information. City information sent me to my provider. Provider’s site sent me back to state site. Looks like I’ll go blind staring at the monitor, my fingers will drop off hitting the keyboard and won’t have to worry about Wuhan Flu.
Alas Bill Gates was able to scratch and claw and ferret out an injection for himself here in Seattle as shown on TV yesterday.
How’re things going in your neck of the woods?
Delay may be a blessing in disguise, Manx. These vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) are completely different from previous vaccines like flu or shingles. These are "mRNA" which means that they mutate your cells to mimic the covid virus, thus inducing your body to produce antibodies. They DON"T KNOW how long the mutating process will last or how long the antibodies will keep working. It's entirely possible that six months or a year from now vaccinated people may start having "cytokine" storms induced by the mutated cells, which usually prove fatal. People COULD start dropping like flies. They just don't know because this technology has never before been used for vaccinations. There are NO long term studies on this technology, so its a crap shoot.
Posted by: Ruwanna | January 23, 2021 at 06:57 PM
It would work as well as the Salk vaccine if we cud just get the worthless politicians out of the way. As for me I won’t take the vaccine unless the worthless politicians make it mandatory. But first they’ll have find out what “mandatory” means. We’re not talking mental giants here.
Posted by: Legion | January 24, 2021 at 08:45 AM
I can only hope that all the Democrats are first in line for their shots of vaccine. Maybe that will clean up the gene pool enough to get a decent government back.
Posted by: Gunny | January 24, 2021 at 10:20 AM
I had mixed feelings about this vaccine until a friend Doug who is a 50 year old deputy sheriff, and who was in good physical condition attended a law enforcement conference in Iowa. He came home and wasn't feeling well. They tested him, his wife, and college age son. All tested positive for Covid. Long story short, the wife and son had few symptoms, but Doug was hospitalized on November 1, and placed in an induced coma, had a tracheotomy, and near death several times. He was transferred to three different hospitals, the latter two specializing in Covid. He is still in the hospital, and they believe it will be another six weeks before he is released.
The 64,000 dollar question is why do most people escape with light symptoms and yet it hits others hard even if they have no underlying conditions. As for me, I'll take it.
Posted by: John W. | January 24, 2021 at 08:49 PM