"Manx" has some thoughts about the United States of Belfast.
As National Guard troops continue deployment in WA, DC it’s not hard to think about similar circumstances elsewhere. Belfast, Northern Ireland comes to mind.
Belfast – a bleak memorial to opposing political views. Yes, religion factors in as well however politics dominates. Politics which are a mix or parliaments, monarchs and churches. Although Northern Ireland of today was carved out in 1921 the “Troubles” have been in existence for hundreds of years – Green vs. Orange has provided troubles for centuries.
Now we have our own troubles. Fences and barricades maintained by military guard appear throughout our country as deemed necessary. Most of these bastions appear and disappear as if they’re part of the overused phrase from contemporary vocabulary - “pop-up.”
However our nation’s capital shows no sign of pop-up fortifications which will disappear any time soon. Makes one think that perhaps a camp will be replaced by a fort with a permanent garrison. And as the Department of Justice is dealing with crimes in Portland, OR and WA, DC based upon political factions – factions both perceived and verified – look for an expanding Northern Ireland life style here for at least the next three years.
The National Guard troops garrisoned in D.C. are political props intended to convey a fear of right wing extremists, AKA: Trump supporters. The democrats want Americans to believe there is some reason to fear Trump AND his supporters. Kabuki Theater and nothing more. It serves as a distraction from their actual agenda. Look over here, not at the $1.9 trillion in handouts to democratic causes, mismanaged Blue States, illegal immigrants and vote buying schemes.
Posted by: Ruwanna | March 08, 2021 at 06:34 PM
If the democrats want a national guard garrison on duty, it should be in Portland, Oregon. That democrat run city and state is going down the toilet flushed by the Antifa/BLM Marxist coalition.
Posted by: Gunny | March 09, 2021 at 12:11 AM
F Troop and Fort Courage coming to the Beltway?:
"Task Force Calls for Permanent National Guard Force to Protect DC
8 Mar 2021 Military.com | By Steve Beynon
A task force charged with making recommendations to boost congressional security after a deadly Jan. 6 pro-Trump mob assault on Capitol Hill has proposed establishing a permanent military presence ready to go at a moment's notice in Washington, D.C.
'This could be done by mobilizing military police from Guard elements across the U.S. on rotations of three to six months,' the task force's report states. Another option would be to create a QRF that permanently resides within the D.C. Guard by reestablishing a military police battalion and staffing it with active Guard reserve troops who live in or near the city year-round, perpetually on active duty."
Wonder if Pelosi will get those machine gun she wanted?
Posted by: Manx | March 09, 2021 at 09:28 AM
Strange how the liberals love fences around the congress, yet they don't give a rip about maintaining our southern border.
Posted by: Franklin | March 12, 2021 at 02:57 PM
Some citizens don’t like treasonous America-haters burning down cities, rigging elections, and overthrowing our government. Yet it’s the defenders of America’s democracy that will be singled out by MSM and Dem politicians as the #1 threat.
Posted by: Legion | March 15, 2021 at 12:11 PM