"Ernie" has some thought about religion.
I will start by saying my purpose in writing this is not to try and convert anyone to my chosen faith. In fact I’m not even going to tell you which religion that is. I just want to make a case for why religion has always been, and always will be a much needed part of the human experience.
I have a very good friend who claims he’s agnostic, when in realty he an atheist. He’s prone to occasionally mocking all religion in general. For example following a disaster, natural or man made, he’ll say something like “I guess your God was on vacation that day”?
Not wishing to debate religion I finally asked him a few simple questions. For example:
• If Moses had been an atheist would he and the Jews have made a successful escape to the holy land; or would they still be Egyptian slaves?
•. If King David had been an atheist would he have slain the giant? Would he have written Psalms, Ecclesiastes and become the greatest King ever of Judea?
•. If St Paul had been an atheist would there be a world wide Christian religion today?
•. If Jesus had been an atheist would we know anything about his magnificent achievements?
•. If Reagan had been an atheist would he have become one of our most beloved presidents?
•. If Hitler had been a Christian would he have murdered millions of Germans, Russians, Poles and numerous other non-Nazis?
•. If Stalin had been a Catholic would he have murdered even more people than did Hitler?
•. If Mother Teresa had been an atheist would she have brought peace, hope, comfort and healing to thousands of people worldwide?
•. If our founding fathers had been atheists would we have a freedom based constitution; and the greatest country ever in the history of mankind?
I could go on but I think even atheists get the message; even those who claim that none of these events have anything to do with Jesus, Buddha, Jehovah, God or any other deserving religious icon/leader.
It’s time for all Americans to stand up and fight for religious freedom. No matter which faith you honor. (Islam possibly being an exception).
Islam is no exception and I agree with everything in your post. You inadvertently disclosed your Catholic faith. It has withstood the onslaught of of the Marxist atheists and you should be proud to claim your Catholic heritage, as I am proud to defend the true Islam. We are all Americans and I rejoice to call you my patriot brother.
Posted by: Mohammad | July 03, 2021 at 06:34 PM
I know Ernie pretty well and I know he’s not Catholic. He’s Christian Science.
Posted by: Legion | July 03, 2021 at 06:45 PM
One more: if Abraham Lincoln had been an atheist, would he have freed the slavery?
Posted by: Ernie | July 03, 2021 at 06:55 PM
A thousand pardons! They are very different.
Posted by: Mohammad | July 03, 2021 at 09:22 PM
All I know is the country has been spiraling downward because religion and what it teaches is falling by the way. That in part has led to the breakup of the family unit. It's not looking good.
Posted by: Leo | July 05, 2021 at 10:57 PM
I think we can skip all the extra rituals, etc., and if everyone lived by the Ten Commandments.
Posted by: Franklin | July 08, 2021 at 01:34 PM
Biblical law which defines the roles for males and females has pretty much been rewritten by the millennial generation. The left has been pushing women to avoid “motherhood”, and get out of the house and compete with men for jobs/careers that heretofore were basically seen as “mens work”. Truck drivers construction workers, firemen, police officers, politics and many more. Whether we agree with their woman vs man agenda or not, we have to admit that it’s had a major impact on what a family unit is, and on the children. And this doesn’t even attempt to analyze the impact of the LGBT agenda. As Leo said, “it isn’t looking good”.
Posted by: Legion | July 09, 2021 at 12:58 PM