"Peter has some thoughts on Deep State Tyranny.
"President" Biden has stated at news conferences that he has been told not to take questions; or has been told who to call on; or has been told when to leave, etc. It is more and more obvious that he is not in charge. His is not the last word and the buck doesn't stop with him. He is not making day to day decisions emanating from the White House. He is not making important foreign relations decisions. His cognitive abilities preclude any involvement in planning or implementing policies. Also precluded is his involvement in military operations or planning as Commander in Chief.
So a cabal of former Obama officials is implementing policies and operations as directed by the Deep State, civil servants from literally every department and bureau of the federal government who conspire together to keep power from conservatives.
Conservatives, like Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, the two Bushes and Trump, are for smaller government, which would mean smaller numbers of civil servants and smaller budgets for departments and bureaus. The Deep State has committed itself to protecting it's member's jobs and creating more civil service jobs for family and friends. Democrats are for big government with more departments and bureaus and bigger budgets for more jobs. That's why the Deep State have assisted the democrats at every opportunity.
Now they are brazenly running the country before our very eyes and flipping us the bird when we raise a question about it. They control the media because 90% of the media's "sources" are Deep State civil servants. The remaining 10% are liberal politicians. So you don't see any negative stories on Biden or his policies and you don't see any positive stories on Trump or his policies with the exception of Fox News.
Right now it doesn't matter whether the president is Biden or Harris, except that the democrat's deciding vote in the senate would be lost. The Deep State will still be running things and budgets will bulge and thousands of new civil servants will be hired. Many of the new civil servants won't even be citizens because the Deep State has more faith in immigrants to vote democrat. And the Deep State will find them a way to vote.
Finally, an explanation for how the government can still operate with the POTUS devolving before our eyes. But we don't want the Deep State running things, so what will the GOP do? If they just go along silently, they are finished. The GOP must take action to protect the country form this radical takeover.
Posted by: Ruwanna | September 09, 2021 at 08:50 PM
We need to get the 82nd Airborne into DC to thoroughly clean out that rat's nest. They are so overconfident that the corruption is happening right in front of us. Seriously, it's an international embarrassment for the whole country. Hunter Biden selling junk art for Millions, while his dad pees his pants on live TV. Then he can't find the restroom without help. Now his entire Secret Service detail must carry urine bottles and Depends. It's even worse than when Bush 43 puked all over the premier of Japan.
Posted by: Gunny | September 10, 2021 at 12:54 AM
Well, it's 9-11 and the Taliban now have a fellow traveller in the White House. Sad, but true. Even though he's old and senile, he's still in the power slot and the Taliban are celebrating his great gifts to them. I suspect there will be other attacks on the U.S. before long, with Biden leading the charge.
Posted by: Gunny | September 11, 2021 at 09:07 AM
No wonder the Biden Admin kept Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he's been the Democrats secret agent since Trump was POTUS. That is pure evil and criminal to boot. The Army Inspector General or the FBI have a case on a silver platter from Woodward and Costa's book, unless they're also Deep State players.
Posted by: Ruwanna | September 15, 2021 at 11:33 PM
If the polls mean anything Biden's ratings are dropping like a rock. That leaves us with Kamala, who will be eased into the Oval Office before his term expires. And so it continues. I'm not optimistic.
Posted by: Leo | September 21, 2021 at 11:55 PM
Kamala will be known as the laughing president who couldn't keep a straight face at a funeral. She will also be absent from office of often, as she loves taking her entourage on lengthy and expensive vacations in peaceful and stable parts of the world.
Posted by: Ruwanna | September 22, 2021 at 10:18 PM