"Peter" has some thoughts on John Kerry, Climate Czar.
Flying around the world in his private 747, emitting thousands of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, Climate CZAR John Kerry lectures others on the alleged necessity of limiting carbon emissions as a means of controlling climate change. He uses these lectures to raise funds for carbon limiting projects, then uses much of the money raised to buy more fuel for his private jumbo jet. He is the ultimate flim-flam man.
While Kerry claims that limiting carbon emissions will hold back climate change, the truth is that nothing mankind is capable of doing will in any way affect the climate. The climate is just a term used to describe long term weather. Mankind has never been able to control the weather, nor will we ever be able to control the weather. Its all smoke and mirrors, distraction from focus, sleight of hand.
Over the past three or four decades Kerry has built a fund-raising organization that has made him a very wealthy man. That’s why he has a private jet and five mansions. He lives an insular life sheltered from street crime or pandemics. He never has to travel in airliners with the public, God forbid! On the ground he travels in a limousine caravanned with black Suburban’s filled with bodyguards. None are electric, but that’s another story.
The bottom line is that John Kerry is perpetrating a fraud of monumental proportions. He is getting away with it for the same reason that the Deep State is getting away with persecuting Trump: simply because he can and the mainstream media go along with it. By the time all the solar panels and wind farms have stopped working, Kerry and his cronies will be too rich and insulated to suffer any significant consequences.
Want to buy a wind farm?
I've heard that one medium-sized active volcano puts more carbon into the atmosphere than 50,000 jumbo jets flying around the Earth. There are thousands of active volcanoes above ground and under the oceans. The U.S. is only 3% of the Earth's surface. Do the math you left-wing morons.
Posted by: Ruwanna | September 18, 2022 at 09:42 PM
I hate hypocrites like Kerry and Biden. Kerry is not stupid, he's very smart. So, he knows that what he's selling is nothing but the illusionist's fantasy, with no scientific basis. He lies about there being a scientific basis, but there isn't. It's the same as when Kamala Harris says the border is secure. Everyone knows it's a lie, but she says it anyway, hoping to persuade those people too stupid to know any better. Kerry says we can make a difference in the climate by reducing carbon emissions - ridiculous!
Posted by: Gunny | September 19, 2022 at 10:44 PM
When Biden was giving his speech at the UN the camera turned to the U.S. table and there sat John Kerry. Biden made it clear that climate change is a top priority of his administration and Kerry was all smiles. This socialist woke malarkey is hurting our country and costing hardworking Americans dearly. Biden is a living nightmare!
Posted by: Jack Right | September 22, 2022 at 10:54 PM
I have a feeling we are going to be seeing Teslas at firesale prices once people figure out waiting for a charge every 300 miles is no fun.
Posted by: Leo | September 23, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Albert Gore, aka An Inconvenient Truth, is right up there with Kerry.
Posted by: Franklin | September 25, 2022 at 10:22 PM