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October 08, 2022


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It all makes sense: Obama is the helmsman for the ship of state. He steers her wherever he wishes, while Captain Biden stands on the quarterdeck and pretends to be in command. Jarret, Rice, Soros and Schwab are officers giving orders to the crew, who are the federal employees that make up the deep state. But how can we stage a mutiny when we can't get on the quarterdeck? And what role does Bill Gates play?


The "suicide bomber" analogy is right on target. Biden is burning down his own country only because it gives him a feeling of power. He doesn't care about socialists or communists or what they might do to America, he only cares about himself and money. I am ashamed to have such a man leading our great nation and the sooner we can be rid of him, the better off we'll be.

Zhu Dong

They all work for Communist China, who WE will all be working for in another ten years at this rate of destruction. Furthermore, learning to speak any dialect of Chinese is very difficult for an English speaker.

George Rutherford

The Cloward-Piven plan is well underway already. Communist Manifesto is being followed to the letter. If the GOP fails to wrest control from the democrats next month, there may be no stopping them, short of civil war.

John W.

I was hopeful, under Trump, that he would indeed drain the swamp and expose the cabal that is pulling the strings on our national policy, both domestic and foreign. I'm beginning to lose hope this will ever happen.

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