"Peter" as some thoughts about the election.
It isn’t the voters that count; it’s the civil servants who count the votes.
Were the democrats just smart enough to find the polling place to cast their vote, while many Republicans were just lazy enough to not bother with voting? Maybe, but the democrats have been seducing the unions for a hundred years. The Deep State is made up of civil service union members. It’s not hard to figure out how they keep getting these “too close to call” elections tipping in their favor so often. Look at how often large blocks of votes are “found” at the last minute and every one of them a vote for the democrats. What are the odds of that happening, time after time?
It’s a difficult situation because the democrats promise the unions increased pay and benefits, passing the cost on to the tax payers. All the Republicans promise is austerity, lower taxes (which benefits everyone) and increased law enforcement resulting in lower crime rates.
Since lower taxes benefits everyone and increased law enforcement benefits everyone except criminals, shouldn’t that be the message of the GOP? Shouldn’t we be shouting that from the rooftops?
This is not rocket science. The Deep State is real; it’s controlling our elections and eroding our Constitution.
It's been a week and we're still waiting for election results in several states. Is it because the democrats are still stuffing ballots into the system? Seriously, with the economy, inflation, energy crunch and millions of illegal aliens crossing our open border, you'd have thought that the GOP could hold a majority in both houses by now. Is the explanation for our failure ballot stuffing? Or is it the GOP leadership failing? Are people so sick of Trump that they're sending a message to the party? Any or all of the above are possible.
Posted by: Ruwanna | November 14, 2022 at 09:51 AM
Almost two weeks now and Arizona is still counting. I guess they haven't yet been able to slip in enough democrat ballots to swing the elections. What a disgrace!
Posted by: Ruwanna | November 20, 2022 at 05:49 PM
I find it interesting that for years it was well known that certain cities and states had massive voter fraud, Chicago being one. Suddenly it's like the media has amnesia. Voter fraud? Unheard of! We have always had pristine elections. Very convenient.
Posted by: Leo | November 30, 2022 at 09:05 PM
Chicago, Philadelphia, New York; all places where conservative families vote Republican all their lives until they die, after which they vote democrat. Not kidding!
Posted by: Gunny | December 01, 2022 at 07:53 PM