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December 31, 2022


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That Muslim terrorist who attacked the NYPD officers came in through the open border with Mexico. How many thousands more terrorists have come in that we don't know about? The open border policy of the Deep State damages our national security but they don't care, as long as the illegals vote, and vote the way they're told. All they care about is holding on to power.


New York State has just authorized human composting. What's next, Soylent Green? This is the sort of thing that happens in an autocracy, just like being under the thumb of the Deep State!

Tiny Tim

The Muslim terrorist last night hadn't jumped the border. Homegrown radicalized nut teenager from Maine.

Civil Servant

Members of the Civil Service are not all members of the Deep State (DS), although a vast majority are members. Those of us that struggle daily against the machinations of the DS find it frustrating during periods of Democratic political control. It would be much easier if the Civil Service were dissolved and their could be a complete cleansing of the ranks of government employees, which would cause a complete drying up of the Swamp.

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