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January 11, 2023


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How true! The climate has changed from hot to frozen periodically for millions of years before mankind was here and it will continue to change long after mankind has destroyed itself by sheer stupidity. Man cannot change the climate or the weather, except by a nuclear winter resulting from a world-wide nuclear war, started by a guy like Putin.


You're right, Ruwanna. Man cannot change the climate, which means man also cannot fix changes in the climate. All these anti-carbon terrorists have ruined our politics; and maybe our country. Fossil fuels, like natural gas, diesel oil and gasoline will ultimately save this country. But if the army starts using electric battle tanks and troop carriers; and the Air Force starts using electric fighters, troop transports and missiles, we're done!


Another bit of fallout from the Climate Change Cult is the dead whales piling up on New Jersey beaches. It appears that electricity is leaking into the ocean from the undersea cables that transmit electricity from the windmill platforms to the shore. There is probably much more sea life being affected by the floating wind generators than just whales.

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