"Peter" has some thoughts about the decline of America.
The Marxists currently controlling President Biden and many members of Congress have a plan for the future of the U.S.A. They want to build a socialist utopia and give everyone equity. But, before they can start building they must first destroy the U.S.A. down to it’s foundations and start from scratch.
They want to destroy our history and the memory of our founding fathers.
They want to cause division and turmoil between the races that make up our population.
They want to program our children away from critical thinking to cognitive dissonance and indoctrination.
They want to attack manhood, to impugn courage, to create new genders causing chaos and doubt amongst our children.
They want to create a lack of confidence in our electoral system to undermine our democratic processes.
They want to encourage more crime in the streets and the boardrooms of America.
They want to weaken our military services by making our military services unattractive to potential recruits through “woke” policies and military failures, such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
They want to drive us into unsustainable debt through “green” policies that ruin our economy and our incentive to work hard.
They have waged war upon our energy production by shutting down oil drilling and pipelines, forcing us to buy oil from hostile countries at exorbitant prices while, at the same time, selling our strategic reserves of oil to China at bargain basement prices.
They want to force us to buy and use electric vehicles, knowing full well that our electric grid can’t support them and that we have no way of dealing with the millions of very heavy used up batteries that would be discarded yearly.
They have opened our borders to millions of unidentified immigrants, including many terrorists, drug traffickers and human traffickers amongst their ranks. Hundreds of thousands of them are being trafficked for sex in major cities all across the country.
These tactics are ruining our economy and driving us into financial chaos. Banks are starting to fail and the stock market is falling fast. It will not be long before these Marxists have succeeded to the point where millions of Americans will be dependent upon the government for their subsistence; millions more will be unemployed and living on their savings.
All this is happening right before our eyes, right now.
WAKE UP! You won’t be able to smell the coffee over the stench of socialism all around you.
You forgot their Soros funded Antifa army and defunding the police.
Posted by: Gunny | March 16, 2023 at 08:04 AM
Spot on, Peter! Where is our next Ronald Reagan.
Posted by: Leo | March 16, 2023 at 09:34 PM
If only a majority of voters were smart enough and informed enough to vote the Marxists out.
Posted by: Ruwanna | March 17, 2023 at 01:14 AM
In 1959 Nikita Khrushchev said the communists would take over America without firing a shot. In 1991 the communists were defeated in the Soviet Union by President Reagan's policies. But now they're about ready to fulfill Khrushchev's prediction. How can it be stopped?
Posted by: Yevgeny | March 21, 2023 at 02:55 AM