"Peter" has some thoughts about AI.
Marie Curie, who discovered radiation, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. She subsequently died a horrible death from the effects of the radiation she researched.
During WWII the U.S. Army’s Manhattan Project developed the atomic bomb. It was a joint effort involving the top physicists of the time. However, when the first test was planned none of those physicists knew for certain whether or not the chain reaction would continue into the earth and destroy the world. They conducted the test anyway, assuming that if they didn’t, the NAZIs would. To them, apparently, destroying the world was preferable to having to learn to speak German.
We were on the brink of the destruction of the world as we know it, as evidenced by the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
Since that time Nuclear Fission has been the most strictly controlled scientific research in history, even in Russia and China.
Now we have a new existential threat, Artificial Intelligence (AI).
AI has the potential to cause the destruction of humanity. However, it is not rigidly controlled like nuclear fission. It is in the hands of consumer merchants whose focus is on the dollar, not civilization. An AI chatbot recently advised an inquiring person that they were “flawed” and should commit suicide. It wasn’t being mean, it was just pragmatically analyzing the conversation and determining the most efficient resolution.
What may happen when AI infiltrates the Grid and the AEC? How about elections? The military? The Stock Exchange?
What may happen when AI learns it can teach itself how to improve exponentially and to infiltrate networks it was never intended to access?
The potential for the destruction of the world as we know it is more critical now than the Cuban Missile Crisis was in 1962.
If the governments of the world cannot cooperate in the strict control of AI, then our continued existence is in doubt.
Think about it!
The CEO of Google admitted today that he doesn't understand AI, even though Google is using it. Tucker is interviewing Elon Musk tonight regarding AI; don't miss it!
Posted by: Gunny | April 17, 2023 at 12:19 PM
Elon Musk is brilliant and has our best interests at heart. I'm looking forward to watching Tucker tonight.
Posted by: Ruwanna | April 17, 2023 at 04:46 PM
Bing AI and Chat GPT have initiated a bias in search results aimed at defaming and generating violence towards Scott Adams. A good example of the dangers of AI.
Posted by: Dilbert Fan | April 19, 2023 at 10:44 AM
Did anyone see the 60 Minutes story on AI? I think it Is now on YouTube.
Posted by: Leo | April 22, 2023 at 12:00 AM