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June 27, 2023


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Communist China now has a two to one lead over the US in numbers of naval warships.

"Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth. liberal democrats are the lowest form of politician."
--General George S. Patton


The greatest threat to our national security is Joe Biden.
The looming threat waiting in the wings is Kamala Harris.
The daily threat to Americans is the FBI and DOJ. How sad!
The worst threat to our economy is climate change religion.
The worst outside threat to the US is Communist China.
The worst terrorist threat to the US is Iran.
The worst threat to democracy and the Constitution is the Democratic Party.

Why can't the Republican Party get all these facts straight and talk about them at all of their campaign rallies? Not one or two, but ALL of them. Take your time, I'll wait.


I fear we are swirling the drain, and it only gets worse. The new generation is being dumbed down, out of shape, not interested it work, and the politicians just keep feeding this monster.

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