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July 22, 2023


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Biden nominated Gen. Charles Brouw, who is black. to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Brown has recently stated that Siverdity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) "Will move to the forefront of military personnel decisions, such as promotions." This is what you get when Affirmative Action is used to promote people. Gen. Brown should never have risen above the rank of Lieutenant! Leadership in our military MUST be selected by MERIT, not politics.


Hate to be a cynic, but we have a way to go before we are safe from the "banana republic" radical left, despite the SCOTUS. There are too many "Woke" teachers and college professors still brainwashing our youth to declare the war to be won. We've won a battle and a few skirmishes, but winning the war is a long way off. The weekend movie wars sets the example: "Barbie", known to virtually all youth, destroyed "Oppenheimer", who SHOULD have been known to all youth, but was obviously not. Until our academics are at least equal to our toys, we are noncompetitive in the world, and that prresents a danger to everyone in the world.


The US Women's Soccer Team members standing silent and without hands on their hearts is a sad reminder of the brainwashing of American youth against patriotism. Displaying disrespect to our national anthem or the US flag has become so commonplace it could be called stereotypical of our youth. I believe bringing back mandatory military service, for both genders, would go a long way toward adjusting their attitudes and creating more patriotism.


The Military has persisted in maintaining DEI policies and the support of abortion, in spite of a stream of court cases against their practices. I always thought the Military was supposed to be under Civilian control; is that no longer the case? Has Biden abdicated his power over the Military? If so, we are in far more trouble than I would have believed possible!


It's hilarious that VP Kamala Harris is accusing Florida education officials of "indoctrinating" students via slavery curriculum. What does she think of CRT? Oh, snap!

Legal Eagle

AA will be around, fighting furiously to continue its blatant discrimination, until a conservative takeover of the White House. But now we have a precedent to cite in our many lawsuits.


This decision was long overdue, and I doubt it would have come out this way if Trump hadn't appointed conservative justices. The problem is the Woke crowd is already figuring a way around it.


I'll know it was meaningful if Whites statr getting their fair amount of commercials on TV.

White Chocolate

Affirmative Action lasted more than sixty years and was the worst example of racial discrimination since 1863 because it was government sponsored. It lasted so long because politicians of both parties were too cowardly to take on blacks and strip them of this unconstitutional advantage.


Affirmative action type programs in schools and businesses have benefited transgender people, as well. But there is a glaring problem that nobody seems aware of. A man who is surgically altered to become female in physical appearance is a transgender. A man who "identifies" as a woman, but still has a penis, is NOT a transgender; he is a transvestite, and he has no legal right to access women's toilet and bathing facilities, women's sports or beauty contests. Transvestites who enter such women's areas are sex offenders and subject to arrest in those states that still follow and enforce the law.


The California legislature is poised to pass a law proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom that will require judges throughout the state to consider race in sentencing. AB852 is Gov. Newsom's alternative to reparations for black people. If this isn't affirmative action, I can't imagine what is.


The apparent continuation of affirmative action policies and the continuation of bringing unprecedented charges against Trump speak to the power of the Deep State. The nameless civil "servants" of the government have no concept of of what constitutes a constitutional republic, They continue to assert that which is, in fact, a banana republic; the weaponization of police powers against political enemies. The real enemy of America is the civil service system that allows those civil servants to continue in office for a lifetime and to wield power for their own interests, irrespective of the interests of the public or the Republic.

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