California family on hike found dead from heat exhaustion.
The temperatures in the US this summer are high and some careless people in places like Death Valley have expired. Those who have died chose to hike on hot trails without taking along water. They died not from the excessive heat, but from stupidity.
But the Marxist ideologues of the Left are claiming that “climate change” is to blame. Lets look at the facts:
During the “dust bowl” period of the 1930’s the heat index was FOUR TIMES what it has been this year. People died then, during the Great Depression, from famine and hunger, but not usually from the heat. They had enough common sense to stay hydrated and out of the sun’s glare.
Today we have spoiled, catered to, weak people who have been indoctrinated rather than taught to be critical thinkers. Their politics speak to their weak thought processes and their lack of common sense, as well as their propensity to place blame inappropriately when tragedies befall them; or when they are reporting a tragedy in the media.
Don’t listen to these thoughtless people who want to blame “climate change” for every tragedy involving the weather. Man cannot change the climate or the weather and is, likewise, not to blame for either.
The tragedies are due to natural causes brought about by Nature.
Its a shame that a baby had to suffer for the ignorance of the parents. Hundreds or even thousands more are suffering in the desert sun of Arizona and Texas because of Biden's open border policy. There again, its not climate change, its sheer stupidity or callous sadism. Either way, it should be a CAPITAL CRIME as well as a CAPITOL CRIME.
Posted by: Ruwanna | August 02, 2023 at 05:02 PM