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Transgender Idiotology: “Identifying” as a Woman


"Peter" has some thoughts about transgender males.

To start with, let’s define a transgender male: a man who undergoes surgery to remove his penis and testicles and creates a vagina. He takes hormones to get rid of his beard and develop female breasts. Some states have laws that give transgenders the right to compete in female sports and to use female facilities such as a locker room. These aren’t the people causing trouble.


The troublemakers are transvestites posing as transgenders. A transvestite is a man who “identifies” as a woman. He wears women’s clothes and makeup. However, he still has his penis and testicles. He is not allowed to lawfully compete in women’s sports or frequent their locker rooms. Transvestites posing as transgenders have been accused of rape in locker rooms and women’s restrooms.


These transgender posers easily slink into women’s facilities and compete in women’s sports because nobody checks to see if they are actually transgender. In fact, the majority of people don’t know the difference between a transgender and a man who “identifies” as a woman, but is actually a transvestite.


People need to be educated about transgenders and transvestites to prevent these unfair sports and locker room rapes. The transgender laws do not apply to transvestites.

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