Obama made it very clear in his 2008 campaign that he was going to fundamentally transform America. He didn't say how, or what he was going to transform it to, but after 5 years of this disastrous administration we have a pretty clear idea.
As much as he'd like to take full responsibility for what's befallen us as a country and a people, this ideology really started long before his regime took office. You can go all he way back to that Woodrow Wilson, the nation's first "progressive" statists who preached the growth and power of the government. But wait, let's not forget Teddy Roosevelt. For all his admirable qualities, he was the first conservationist president who took millions of acres out of the private sector and gave it to the government to "preserve the natural environment".
Back to the "how" part of the transformation, that too was designed and implemented back in the FDR days. It began with the work projects designed to defeat the Great Depression. What it really did was transfer personal responsibility to various government welfare programs. Though the media gave him full credit for ending the depression, it was the second world war that put America back on a path for economic growth, primarily by creating a massive industrial revolution.
It was FDR's charisma that began transforming the media from journalism to the propaganda wing of the democrat party. That situation has grown out of control and probably irreversible. In addition the "progressives" gained control of the educational system and eventually the entertainment industry. The influence of these 3 entities to implement Obama's ideology is insurmountable.
Most recently beginning with Clinton and exploding under the Obama regime, the fuel that runs the "transformation" engine is in these new phrases....Political Correctness (PC) and diversity. As with integration, affirmative action, Head Start, quotas and numerous other welfare programs, the lower classes (primarily blacks) were going to be freed from their slavery mentality and lifted up to become part of the great American culture. Such things as learning about personal responsibility, love for country, work ethic, career opportunities, unity with other ethic groups, Christian values, etc. You know, the culture that made Americans proud and productive for 150 years. Has it worked? Absolutely not. School integration didn't lift the black culture up, it brought their inner city culture into public schools and helped destroy the best educational system in the world. But we cater to this backsliding into the abyss in the name of diversity and PC. As a result the number of blacks feeding at the government trough has skyrocketed, new welfare programs keep on coming, and America is on the verge of bankruptcy.
But this destruction of the proud American culture doesn't stop there. Look at the worlds of music and sports. Music is nothing more than drug enhanced screaming, and sports arenas have become the Roman coliseums of the new century. Sportsmanship has been replaced with endzone dances, chest pounding, trash talking, tattoos, body piercing, in-your-face boasting, and other inner city inventions.
Add to this the influx of hispanics flooding across the border. Again in the names of PC and diversity, we have to let them bring their cultures with them, and sacrifice our American culture and traditions to accommodate theirs. Heaven help us as the Islamic influence continues to grow and begins crowding out Christianity, Judaism and American traditions. Come to think of it, it's already happening. Are you ready for Shariah law? You wouldn't want to offend the people who are trying to destroy us, now would you?
Abandoning the tradition of the proud American culturalism that built this country into the worlds most powerful, wealthiest, freest, most compassionate (internationally & domestically) and innovative nation in the history of mankind, we are dooming the country to failure. Just like Greece, Spain, Italy, and most of the other Euro Zone, only worse. When the giant falls, the noise is much louder, the destruction more devastating.
Would the last person left alive please turn out the lights?