What's with this Obama regime? First they want to do away with religion (except Islam); then the best health care system in the world; then republicans; then our military supremacy; then the constitution; then American exceptionalism; then the free market; then freedom of speech; on and on and on. Now they want to give over control of the internet to some yet-to-be-named international organization? Does Al Gore know about this? And just what is this int'l organization, who belongs to it, and who'll be in charge of it? The United Nations and its hate-America crowd? Might want to check out the members of their human rights committee.
It seems to me that very few of the 3rd world countries could be members cause to have computers you first have to have electricity. Second, you have to know how to read and write. Course, if it's run by the same group of geniuses that run the UN, the only criteria for being a member would be to love Marxism and and hate democracy.
It's scary to think what an international agency could do to the I-net and this country. Just some possibilities:
1. An international user fee (tax) is the first to come to mind. Who would benefit from this income and what would it be used for?
2. A group of non-English speaking bureaucrats to determine who gets approved and who gets booted off.
3. Hefty fines or other punishment for non-acceptable communications such as news, opinions, blogs, critical reviews, etc. In other words, things Obama wants to do but can't under our system.
4. Int'l monitoring and gathering system for all communications whether business, personal, political or whatever. No more personal privacy.
5. Possibly each country who participates would be allowed to charge a user fee to its citizens. Libs do love taxes.
6. And worst of all our I-net usage would be under the thumb and governess of the UN or some other such entity, giving up even more of our freedoms and liberties.
7. It would redistribute the wealth, power and influence of the USA.
Why Obama would even consider gifting the world with something that was born in America and belongs to Americans is beyond rational thought. What right does he have to make such a decision? Oh that's right, he's the president so he can do whatever he wants to do. Who needs laws and a constitution when you have him at the helm. Who knows, maybe next he'll give up control of our educational system to the Muslim Brotherhood.